Official Website of pianist Andrei Zheltonog

Piano Competitions in Czech Republic

CompetitionDateAge limitAddress
Prague Spring International Music Competition
May 07-15 2004(annual)
December 15 2003
30Hellichova 18,CZ-118 00 Praha 1,Czech Republic
Tel.:(+420)2-533 474
Fax:(+420) 2-536 040
International Competition of Blind and Partially Sighted Performers
02/2003 (triennial)16-36Spolecenstvi organizaci nevidomych a slabozrakych
CR, Melnicka 8,CZ-150 00 Praha 5,
Czech Republic
Tel./Fax:(+420) 2-530 106
The 38th Concertino Prague International Radio Competition for Young Musicians
11/2003 (triennial)
Deadline: 4/30/2003
18Vinohradska 12, CZ-120 99 Prague 2
Tel: (+420) 2-2409 4228/4492
Fax: (+420) 2-24218089
Hosted by uCoz